Refundo built 27/11/1916 Cook Welton & Gemmel for G F Sleight Grimsby
07/1917 Requisitioned converted to a Bomb Thrower / Antisubmarine Vessel fitted with Hydrophonic Listening equipment and a minesweeper
1920 Returned to the owners
06/1927 went to R L Humphreys Grimsby
17/11/1933 She went to Sleight & Humphrey Grimsby
11/1939 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
1940 she was fitted out as a trials ship with a “Bucket” an electric hammer device designed to detonate acoustic mines at a range of approx 1 mile
18/12/1940 she detonated a mine under her bow killing 2 of the crew whilst testing the equipment, taken in tow but sank West of the Beach End Buoy, 2 crew were lost whilst serving with the 117th minesweeper group based at Harwich

Her details are
- Official Number 139953
- Yard Number 360
- Admiralty Number 3053 FY 830
- Armament 1 x 6pdr AA 1 x 7.5″ Bomb thrower
- GT 258 NT 113
- Dimensions 120.5 x 22 x 12.2
- Quarter deck 67
- Engines by C D Holmes 80 NHP 10.5 Knots
18/12/1940 Mined off Harwich whilst in Admiralty Service