Cydonia Built 1907 Charlton and Doughty Grimsby for North Eastern Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
25/07/1915 when she was some 70 miles from Hoy Head on her way back to Grimsby from a voyage to Iceland the Cydonia was captured and sunk by a German submarine
The same submarine also sank two other Grimsby trawlers that day the King Athelstan and the Celtic all the crews were saved
Captain George Mudd of the Cydonia told reporters when he reached Stromness that the German Commander had apologised for the inconvenience he caused the Grimsby fishermen

Her Details are
- Official Number 125089
- GT 259 NT 103
- Dimensions 130.5 x 22.5 x 11.6
- Quarter deck 71 Foc’sle 20
25/07/1915 Sunk by U Boat 70 miles N by W of Holy Head