Lyra Built 12/1883 built by W Gibbs Galmpton for W H Frazer
04/1898 went to T Dobson & H Chapman with W H Frazer as manager
11/1899 Sold to Sweden
Her Details are
- Official Number 87783
- GT 81.33
- Dimensions 77.4 x 20.3 x 10.15
- Crew 3 men 2 boys

Lyra Built 12/1883 built by W Gibbs Galmpton for W H Frazer
04/1898 went to T Dobson & H Chapman with W H Frazer as manager
11/1899 Sold to Sweden
Her Details are
Cancer built 09/12/1915 Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd Goole for Grimsby & North Sea Steam Trawling Co Grimsby
08/1916 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
1919 Returned to owners
08/1921 Sold to the Lindsey Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
09/1929 Bought by owners in Leith
02/1936 Sold to Granton renamed Invertay Registered as GN 49
Bought by G. R. Cook Edinburgh
08/1940 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
06/1946 Sold to owners in St. Anne’s
07/1946 Returned to owners
09/1950 Bought by Sir Thomas Robinson & Son Grimsby
10/03/1961 Lost in thick fog following a collision with the Franz Schau 190 miles off the Humber at 1.20am
The trawler sank almost immediately but her 10-man crew managed to abandon ship before the Invertay went down
The Franz Schau mounted an immediate search for the crew and fears grew for their safety when they couldn’t be found, However a second German trawler the Grundmann then radioed in to say she had found the Invertay’s crew and they were safely aboard
The men including the Invertay’s skipper Mr A. Osborne were transferred to the brand new Bannister trawler Saxon Progress which was on her maiden voyage and landed them back in Grimsby the following day
Her details are
Lost 10/03/1961