Valmont built 1916 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for South Western Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
05/1916 Requisitioned as a mine sweeper
27/02/1917 Sold to Neal Green Grimsby
04/06/1917 Bought by the Cleethorpes Steam Trawling Co Ltd Grimsby
12/1918 Returned
25/02/1919 Bought by the Victorian Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
19/12/1929 Sold to the Lindsey Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
29/11/1939 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
12/1945 Returned to owners
During her refit the vessel was given the port’s first electric engine room telegraph system

Her Details are
- Official Number 138953
- Yard Number 340
- Admiralty Number FY 864
- Armament 1-6pdr
- GT 245 NT 108
- Dimensions 117.3 x 22.5 x13.2
- Quarter deck 61
- Engines Amos & Smith 92 NHP 11 Knots
Scrapped in 1961