Golden Gleam Built 20/01/1894 Cochrane & Cooper Beverley For Hall, Leyman & Co Ltd Hull H 269
11/11/1912 Sold to Ernest W Little Hull
02/1916 Sold to White & Willows Grimsby GY 871
02/1917 Bought by owners in Filey
29/05/1917 Requisitioned into Fishery Reserve
10/10/1917 Foundered 71 Miles off Spurn Light Vessel Following a collision with Trawler Cadet H 210
Crew were transferred to armed Yacht Jason II Adm 076 and landed at Immingham

Her Details are
- Official Number 105018
- Yard Number 119
- GT 191 NT 70
- Dimensions 112.7 x 21 x 11.6
- Quarter deck 27
- Engines C D Holmes 60 rhp 3 Cyl 10.0 knots
10/10/1917 Collision with SS Cadet Hull 71m NE by N 1/2 N of Spurn LV