Volesus built 1913 Cochrane & Sons Selby for Atlas Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
04/1915 Requisitioned as a minesweeper then escort vessel
1920 Returned
03/1919 To the Dobson Ship Repairing Co Grimsby
09/1928 Sold to W. Garrett Grimsby
08/1940 Bought by Rinovia Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
Served as EN AVANT in WW2

Her Details are
- Official Number 134772
- Yard Number 548
- Admiralty Number FY 713 FY 1454
- Armament 1-6pdr AA 1-7.5in Bomb Thrower
- GT 293 NT 132
- Dimensions 133.5 x 23 x 12.3
- Quarter deck 72 Foc’sle 20
- Engines 79 HP
Scrapped 05/1952