Beechwold built 11/05/1895 by Cochrane & Cooper Beverley for Northwold Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
08/1914 Requisitioned by the Admiralty
09/1914 Returned to owners
23/06/1916 Stopped by UC 16 40 miles SE by E of Spurn Light Vessel and sunk by Gunfire, All Crew Saved

Her Details are
- Official Number 105523
- Yard Number 126
- GT 129 NT 43
- Quarter Deck 17
- Dimensions 93.5 x 20.5 x 11
- Engines Amos & Smith 35 rhp 3 cyl 9.5 Knots
23/09/1916 Sunk by gun fire from German S/M 40 miles SE by E from Spurn Point LV