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Tag: gy-692
Ross Curlew GY 692
Ross Curlew built 24/11/1961 Cochranes of Selby for Ross Trawlers
10/1969 she went to British United trawlers
1970 Transferred to Goweroak Ltd
1980 Bought by Colne Fishing Co Ltd Lowestoft for use as an oil rig standby vessel
27/07/1981 arrived at Lowestoft
09/1981 Renamed Anegada
1991 Sold for scrap

Her details are
- Official Number 303293
- Yard No 1469
- Call Sign GHZG
- 288 GT 92 NT
- Dimensions 107.5 x 24.5 x 12.5
- Foc’sle 20′
- Engines 6-cylinder 785hp Ruston
Left Lowestoft 12/1991 for the breakers yard
Carilon GY 692
Carilon built 28/04/1915 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for Marshall Line Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
Requisitioned 11/1915 as a minesweeper
24/12/1915 North Sea – Dover Patrol Skipper William Reuben Francis RNR, Sweeping near Elbow buoy off North Foreland was mined in field off Kent the day before and badly damaged. Mines laid by UC.1 on the 23/12/1915 Egon von Werner was Skipper
Actaeon closed to take her in tow, foundered near Margate last noted position 51.24.25N, 01.30.12E
No lives lost
Her Details are
- Official Number 138940
- Yard Number 325
- Admiralty Number 21
- Armament 1-3pdr
- GT 226 NT 109
- Quarter Deck 61 Foc’sle 169
- Dimensions 117 x 22 x 12.7
- Engines Amos & Smith 75 NHP 9 knots
Mined 24/12/1915 off Margate whilst in Admiralty Service The mine was laid