Majestic Built 19/09/1894 Cochrane & Cooper Beverley for W. Letten Grimsby
03/1898 Bought by the Atlantic Steam Fishing Co. Ltd Grimsby
01/1904 Bought by the Grimsby Northern Steam Fishing Co. Ltd Grimsby
06/1908 Sold to owners in Fleetwood
11/1915 Bought by R. White Grimsby
06/1916 To White & Willows Grimsby
12/1916 Bought by C. Dobson
10/01/1917 Stranded in Robin Hoods Bay

Her Details are
- Official Number 104184
- Yard Number 115
- GT 159 NT 69
- Dimensions 102.5 x 20.6 x 11
- Quarter deck 18 Foc’sle 19
- Engines Earles Co 50 nhp 3 Cyl 10.0 knots
10/01/1917 Ran aground and stranded Robin Hoods Bay Yorkshire coast