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Tag: gy-592
Moorsom GY 592
Moorsom built 04/07/1936 by Cochranes of Selby for J Marr & Son Hull Named Kirkella H 319
03/07/1936 Crewed and operated by City Steam Fishing Co Hull
31/08/1939 Sold to Admiralty and fitted out as A/S Trawler
19/01/1940 Hull Registry Closed
Based at Swansea 17th A/S Group
17/12/1945 Complete Refit at Ellesmere Port reclassified as a Steam Trawler and sold to Hull Ice Co Hull H 155
16/11/1946 Sold to J Marr & Sons Fleetwood
17/12/1947 Sold to Dinas Steam Trawling Co Fleetwood
22/12/1948 Solod to Parkholme Trawlers Fleetwood
11/01/1949 Registered at Grimsby as GY 592
28/02/1949 Renamed Moorsom
29/03/1951 Sold to Ravendale Trawlers Grimsby
07/03/1952 Went to Great Western Fishing Co Aberdeen
29/03/1952 Registered as St. Benedict GY 592
04/01/1955 Sold to Cevic Steam Fishing Co Fleetwood and Renamed Reneva FD 7

Her Details are
- Official Number 164937
- Yard Number 1159
- GT 435 NT 170
- Dimensions 157.3 x 26.1 x 14.1
- Engines Amos & Smith 750 ihp 3 cyl 11.3 knots
1960 sold to BISCO for breaking and allocated to W Ward fo0r breaking up
Kirkella GY592
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Johnathan Grieg GY 592
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St. Benedict GY 592
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