
Manx Hero GY 585

Manx Hero built 1910 for W H Beeley
Originally Named Berian
08/1914 Requisitioned as a mine sweeper
10/03/1915 Dardanelles Campaign – Skipper Edward Bray RNR one of seven trawlers with 3rd Mine sweeping Group accompanied by two Picket Boats, four Escorting Destroyers and supported by Battleship Canopus and Light Cruiser Amethyst taking part in attempt to sweep Kephez minefields in the dark
Instead of sweeping against the strong 3-4kt current the intention was to get above the first line of mines and sweep down
Trawlers reached their position passed sweeps in pairs and started back
Night of 10th/11th – Two mines exploded one of them possibly so close to Manx Hero she sank otherwise she hit a third
Turks opened fire two trawlers hit and damaged by 6in shells all then retired under destroyer cover
No lives lost on Manx Hero crew picked up by HM Trawler Koorah 

Her Details are

  • Official Number
  • Admiralty Number 339
  • GT 221
  • Armament 1-6pdr

Mined 10/03/1915 in the Kephez rhinefield Dardanelles whilst in Admiralty Service


Kittiwake GY 585

Details to follow


Churchill GY 585

Churchill Built 1948 A Hall Aberdeen for Grimsby Merchants Amalgamated Trawlers Grimsby 
05/1952 Bought by Consolidated Fisheries Ltd Grimsby 

Her Details are

  • Official Number 182623 
  • GT 613 NT 232 
  • Dimensions 177 x 30 x 12.1 
  • Quarter deck 93 Foc’sle 30 

Scrapped in Belgium 04/1968


Bereian GY 585

Bereian Built 25/06/1910 Cochrane & Sons Selby for Great Central Co-op Engineering & Ship Repairing Co Ltd Grimsby
04/1911 Bought by W. H. Beeley Grimsby and renamed Manx Hero

Her Details are 

  • Official Number 127868
  • Yard Number 467
  • GT 221 NT 102 
  • Dimensions 120.4 x 21.5 x 11.5  
  • Quarter deck 69  

Sunk by mine in the Mediterranean on the 10/03/1915 whilst on Admiralty service