Details to follow
Tag: gy-477
Hendren GY 128
Hendren Built 1934 Cochrane & Sons Selby for Perihelion Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
05/1939 Sold to owners in Hull renamed Stella Pegasi
Renamed Arctic Crusader
04/1947 Sold to Trawlers Grimsby Ltd Grimsby registered as GY 477
09/1947 Renamed Mountbatten

Her Details are
- Official Number 162897
- Yard Number 1131
- GT 441 NT 191
- Dimensions 161 x 26.6 x 14.2
- Quarter deck 88 Foc’sle 28
Abandoned and sold to Norway 08/1949
Arctic Crusader GY 477
Details to follow
Alaska GY 477
ALASKA built 02/1898 Edwards Brothers, North Shields
1898 Registered as GY477
02/1898 owned by J & G Alward Ltd Grimsby
12/1911 owned by Spurn Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
12/1914 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
1919 Returned
1920 Registered as LT 1031 at Lowestoft
06/1920 owned by David J Aynes Lowestoft
1921 Henry I Colville (DJ Ayres, manager) Lowestoft
1926 P Perfettini, Lorient renamed EDOUARD PAUL
1930 M & Mme Jean Cuissard Lorient
1935 Vve Jean Cuissard Lorient

Her Details are
- Official Number 108494
- Yard Number 577
- GT 135 NT 42
- Armament 1 6pdr
- Dimensions 96.0 x 20.7 x 10.9
- Quarter Deck 18 Foc’sle 20
- Engines: T 3 cyl (10.25, 16 & 25.5 x 19.5 ins), 30 nhp by North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co Ltd Sunderland
1938 Broken up