Regnault Built 1913 J. T. Eltringham South Shields Built as Northern Queen Richard Irvin N Shields 04/1940 Bought by the Active Fishing Co Fleetwood 1943 Sold to J Bennett Hull Renamed Regnault registered as H 156 05/1945 Bought by the Anglo Steam Fishing Co Grimsby 10/1951 Renamed Inganes
Hawk Built 1896 Edwards Bros North Shields for Cleethorpes Steam Trawling Co Ltd Grimsby 09/1907 Sold to owners in Greece To owners in Turkey renamed Raphina Hawk
Carency Built 20/04/1916 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for Earl Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby 12/1916 Requisitioned as a minesweeper 14/12/1916 Sold to the Beacon Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby 19/02/1918 Sold to the Great Northern Steam Ship Fishing Co Ltd Hull registered as H 611 1918 Bought by the Star Steam Trawling Co Ltd Hull 1919 Returned to owners 1921 Sold to the South Western Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby registered as GY 46 1924 Bought again by the Earl Steam Fishing Co Ltd 1938 Sold to W. M. M. Curtis & McCabe Dublin registered as D 119 08/1939 Sold to the Admiralty as an anti-submarine trawler and examination vessel 1947 Returned to owners 1947 Bought by W. Wood Aberdeen registered as A 129
Shown Here as GY 46
Her Details are
Official Number 138981
Yard Number 340A
GT 233 NT 108
Admiralty Number 2984 FY 295
Armament 1-6pdr AA
Dimensions 117 x 22 x 12.7
Quarter deck 61 Foc’sle 16
Engines Great Central Engineering 70 NHP 10ΒΌ knots
Stranded in thick fog at Noss Head Greenigoe one mile north of Wick The Gilmar A 300 came to her aid and took off all of the crew The Gilmar then attempted to pull the stranded vessel free but only succeeded in moving her 20 feet Two hours later the Carency slipped off the rocks and sank 28/06/1957