
Josephine GY 438

Josephine Built 1892 Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd Hull for Grimsby Fish Salesmen Grimsby 
07/1898 Bought by W. Mudd Grimsby 
07/1902 Renamed Ferret 
07/1909 Bought by Alfred Bannister Grimsby

Her Details are

  • Official Number 99666
  • GT 157 NT 67
  • Dimensions 101.5 x 20.5 x 11
  • Quarter deck 18 Foc’sle 19

Missing 20/03/1915


Hatsuse GY 438

Hatsuse Built 1919 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for Neale & West Ltd Cardiff Original Port registration CF 61
05/1927 Transferred from Cardiff to Grimsby Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Company bought her on arrival 
06/1927 Name changed to Dagon 
09/1927 Registered to Consolidated Fisheries Ltd 
26/08/1939 Requisitioned as a minesweeper 
13/10/1939 Returned to commercial fishing 
31/10/1941 Sold to Marr & Son Ltd Fleetwood 
29/09/1945 Sold to A. J. Tilbrook Ltd Milford Haven 
1952 Bought Devanha Fishing Co Ltd Aberdeen became Casimir A 710 

Her Details are

  • Official Number 143502
  • Yard Number 369 
  • Call Sign GWVG
  • GT 282 NT 110 
  • Dimensions 128.5 x 23.5 x 13ft 6in 
  • Quarter deck 75 Foc’sle 23 
  • Engines Triple expansion 12½, 21, 35 x 26in 85NHP by C D Holmes & Co Ltd Hull 10½ knots

To Charlestown for scrapping 28/11/1955 


Ferret GY 438

Ferret Built 01/1892 Earles of Hull for Grimsby Fish Salesmen’s Association, Grimsby
Originally Named Josephine GY 438
07/1898 Sold to W Mudd
07/1902 Renamed Ferret
07/1909 Sold to A Bannister
1915 Lost

SurnameForenamesAge at DeathDate of DeathRankBoat
HOWARDWILLIAM2620/03/1915Third HandFerret
FULLAGEREDWARD3520/03/1915Chief EngineerFerret   
BOOLERUBENS5420/03/1915Deck HandFerret
CULLEYA B4220/03/1915CookFerret   
GREENJOHN5820/03/1915Second EngineerFerret   
WARDJAMES DEVAN4820/03/1915Deck HandFerret

Her Details are

  • Official Number 99666
  • Yard Number 360
  • GT 157 NT 67
  • Dimensions 101.5 x 20.5 x 11
  • Quarter Deck 18 Foc’sle 19
  • Engines 3 cyl 45hp

20/03/1915 Missing


Avoset GY 438

12/12/1882 Dandy Missing supposed Foundered in North Sea after collision


Dagon GY 438

Details to follow