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Tag: gy-431
Northern Reward GY 431
Northern Reward went to Fleetwood as a new vessel having been built in Germany by Deusche A & M Ag Seebeck She came to Grimsby in 1937 and operated under Northerns colours.
12/1946 Registered as GY 431
1939 Requisitioned as an Armed Boarding vessel as well as an anti-submarine Trawler
23/03/1940 Whilst on contraband control between Iceland and the UK she spotted U 38 on the surface. She opened up with her 4″ gun and gave chase but the submarine escaped without too much difficulty by using her superior surface speed.
10/11/1944 The Northern Reward was in 38 Fathoms escorting a small convoy UR 142 to Reykjavik when the convoy was attacked by U 300, she was an updated version of the standard attack Submarine, Type VII-C/41 commanded by Fritz Hein, she was on her second patrol. During the attack the Northern Reward and the Royal Norwegian Trawler Honningsvaag detected the sub and attacked her with depth charges, but were unsuccessful.
She had 1 casualty 12/4/1937 – James Robinson
03/1947 Sold to Iceland and Renamed Vordur II Owners H/F Vordur Registered at Vatneyri
Later Renamed Vordur

Her Details are
- Official No 165357
- Built 1936
- Call Sign TFZC (Vordur)
- Gt 620 NT 243
- Length 188.1 x 28.1 x 15.5
- Foc’sle 31′
- Funnel Grey with black top separated by white band
- Engines 3 cyl 15″,24″&39″ LP Turbine with DR gearing with hydraulic coupling 227lb 167MN 1SB(Spt), 3cf, GS 74 by DeutscheSchiff. – u – Mschb A.G.Seebeck,Wsm
The vessel was Lost 29/01/1950 Foundered in a Storm 170 miles South of Iceland
Asia GY 431
Asia Built 11/1891 Cochrane Cooper & Schofield Beverley for International Steam Trawling Co. Ltd Grimsby
18/12/1891 Registered as GY 431
07/1898 Sold to the North Eastern Steam Fishing Co. Grimsby
06/1912 Went to Consolidated Whaling & Deep Sea Fishing Co. Based at Durban
08/1914 Sold to Irvin & Johnson Cape Town South Africa Based at Port Elizabeth
1930 Used as an Oil carrier

Her Details are
- Official Number 99663
- Yard Number 68
- GT 151 NT 66
- Quarter Deck 19 Foc’sle 17
- Dimensions 100.5 x 20.5 x 11
- Engines C D Holmes 45 nhp 3 Cyl 10.0 Knots
29/11/1934 Scuttled off East London