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Tag: gy-361
Novelli GY 361
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Great Admiral GY 361
Great Admiral Built 1907 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for Edward C. Grant Grimsby
04/10/1912 Registry transferred to Denmark for fishing in the Moray Firth as British flag vessels were banned
28/10/1915 Back to Edward C. Grant Grimsby
30/10/1915 Sold to A. & M. Smith Grimsby
1917 Requisitioned as a fishing trawler
1919 Returned to commercial fishing
27/01/1920 Sold to Direct Fish Supplies Grimsby
06/09/1922 Sold to Thomas W. Baskcomb Grimsby
25/11/1935 Bought by the Boston Deep Sea Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
17/10/1942 Sold to Northern Trawlers Ltd Grimsby
05/1940 Requisitioned as an auxiliary vessel
06/1945 Returned to commercial fishing

Her Details are
- Official Number 127825
- Yard Number 160
- Admiralty Number 4.146
- GT 284 NT 117
- Dimensions 135 x 22.5 x 12
- Quarter deck 73
- Engines Charles D. Holmes 70 NHP 11 knots
Sold for scrap to West of Scotland Shipbreakers 05/06/1947 broken up at Troon