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Tag: gy-282
Hull City GY 282
Hull City Built 1953 Cochrane & Sons Selby for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd Grimsby

Her Details are
- Official Number 184916
- Yard Number 1385
- Signal Letters MSBD
- GT 711 NT 256
- Dimensions 178 x 31 x 16.2
- Quarter deck 96 Foc’sle 33
- Engines Triple expansion steam by Amos & Smith Ltd Hull 16, 27½, and 45in by 30in stroke
Scrapped at Fleetwood 06/1975
Golden Gleam GY 282
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Croxby GY 282
Details to follow
Ladas GY 282
Ladas Built 05/1898 Edward Brothers North Shields for Orient Steam Fishing Co
Originally Registered as GY 681
22/08/1932 While outward bound for the fishing grounds, the trawler was sunk off Spurn in a collision with the Danish steamship Thyra in fog. By making a rope fast to the Thyra, the crew of nine fishermen were able to climb safely aboard the Danish ship. Three. of the crew, Skipper Alfred Moore, mate John Clark and third hand George Clark, returned to the Ladas with canvas and sacking in the hope of plugging in the hole, but the attempt was abandoned when they discovered the water had reached the decks.
07/1914 went to Denmark owners
08/1914 owner Orient Steam Fishing Co
08/1914 Registered as GY 282
1917 Requisitioned into the Fishery Reserve
1919 Returned to owners
1932 owner T W Baskcomb
Her Details are
- Official Number 109530
- Yard Number 572
- GT 172 NT 61
- Dimensions 110.5’ x 21.1’ x 10.8’
- Quarter Deck 46’ Foc’sle 20’
- Engines by N.E. Marine Eng Co Ltd, triple cylinder 12”,20” & 32” x 22.5” 52 RHP
Lost on the 22/08/1932 Registry Closed 18/10/1932