River Tummel Built 1918 Ritchie Graham & Milne Glasgow for The Admiralty as Strath Class Trawler as Thomas Foley
05/1923 Acquired by Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co Grimsby renamed River Tummel
09/1927 Registered to Consolidated Fisheries Ltd
12/1938 Moved to Lowestoft renamed Belton
1940 Hired by the Admiralty as an examination vessel
1945 Employed on Navigation Exercises at Grimsby then Returned
1949 Sold to R Irvin & Sons Ltd Aberdeen But registered at Lowestoft

Her Details are
- Official Number 143768
- Yard Number 367
- Admiralty Number 3751
- Armament 1 12pdr 1 3.5 Howitzer Bomb Thrower
- GT 202 NT 88
- Dimensions 115.8 x 22.2 x 12.1
- Engines 3 cyl 12, 20, 34 x 23in by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd Glasgow
- Call Sign GDTZ