Details to follow
Tag: gy-263
Stella Canopus GY 263
Stella Canopus Built 09/03/1936 Cochrane & Sons Selby Built as Admiral Drake for C. H. Smith Hull
Original Name Admiral Drake H 273
29/07/1938 Sold to Charleston Smith Trawlers Hull
31/12/1938 Registered as Stella Canopus H 273
05/10/1939 Requisitioned as a A/S trawler
Based at Granton 38th A/S Group
05/1945 Involved with Operation Pledge at Loch Eriboll with Surrendered U Boats
12/11/1945 Returned
16/04/1946 Bought by Trawlers Grimsby Ltd Grimsby
25/04/1946 Registered as GY 263
19/06/1946 Re named Craddock GY 236
06/1946 Renamed Cradock
10/05/1952 Sold to T. Ross Grimsby
12/04/1954 Sold to Derwent Trawlers Grimsby
26/04/1954 Bought by Charleson-Smith Trawlers Ltd Hull
18/04/1954 renamed Stella Rigel registered as H14
08/1955 Bought by Derwent Trawlers Ltd Grimsby registered as Craddock GY 11
03/1957 Sold to T. C. & F. Moss Grimsby
Her Details are
- Official Number 164919
- Yard Number 1154
- Admiralty Number FY 248
- Armament 1 4″ AA, ASDIC, Depth Charges
- GT 418 NT 162
- Dimensions 152.8 x 25.6 x 13.6
- Quarter deck 83 Foc’sle 25
- Engines C D Holmes 650ihp 3 cyl 11.7 Knots
Scrapped in Belgium 07/1960
Marian Francis GY 263
Details to follow
28/08/1895 Ketch In collision with JOHN McINTYRE of London 4 miles ENE of Withernsea
Enigma GY 263
Details to follow
Craddock GY 263
Craddock Built
Origianlley Named Admiral Drake H273 Hull
20/4/1936 C H Smith & Co Ltd Hull
29/7/1938 Went to Chaleson-Smith Trawlers Ltd Hull
5/10/1939 Renamed as Stella Canopus H273
Requisitioned as an anti submarine trawler fitted with Asdic
Based at Granton with 38th A/S Group
05/1945 Operation Pledge At Loch Eriboll with surrendered U-Boats
12/11/1945 Returned
16/4/1946 Went to Trawlers Grimsby Ltd
19/6/1946 Renamed as Cradock GY 263
10/5/1952 sold to Thomas Ross Ltd
12/4/1954 sold to Derwent Trawlers
26/4/1954 sold to Chaleson- Smith

Her Details are
- Official Number
- Admiralty Number FY 248
- Armament 1-4″ AA
Agile GY 263
Agile built 17/01/1907 by Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for W Grant
27/12/1914 Requisitioned as a minesweeper Harwich-based
1915 Renamed St. Vincent II
Skipper George Rushton RNR Division of seven trawlers clearing field laid east of Sunk LV completed one sweep and division reversed course preparing to stream wires
Mined at 1020 laid by UC 11 Benno von Ditfurth sank rapidly after large explosion off Sunk Head LV off Harwich
3 ratings lost
Surname | Forenames | Age at Death | Date of Death | Rank | Boat |
CREAR | Ernest G | 42 | 27/04/1917 | Engineman | Agile |
JEFFERY | Charles G | 23 | 27/04/1917 | Deck Hand | Agile |
RAMPLING | Ambrose H | 41 | 27/04/1917 | Engineman | Agile |
MUMMERY | Leonard R | 36 | 27/04/1917 | Deck Hand | Agile |
Her details are
- Official Number 125056
- Yard number 132
- Admiralty number FY 697
- GT 246 NT 100
- Dimensions 125 x 22 x 11.8
- Quarter Deck 68 Foc’sle 19
- Engines by CD Holmes 3 cylinders of 12½, 22 & 35 inches with 24 inch stroke 70 HP 10.5 Knots
27/04/1917 Mined off Sunk Head Light Vessel 51.54N 01.20E off Harwich whilst in Admirlaty Service