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Tag: gy-26
Howe GY 26
Howe built 19/03/1896 Cochrane & Cooper Beverley for W. Grant Grimsby and Henry C Baker
12/1914 Requisitioned for war service
03/1917 Renamed Howe II
07/1918 Returned and reverted to Howe GY 26
01/1920 Sold to Smith and Peacock
01/1920 Sold to Silvin Steam Fishing Co Grimsby
20/11/1920 Foundered after a collision with Trawler Minoru GY 484 25 miles off spurn point

Her Details are
- Official Number 105545
- Yard Number 148
- Admiralty number FY 724
- Armament 1-6pdr AA
- GT 134 NT 44
- Quarter deck 17
- Dimensions 93.8 x 20.5 x 10.7
- Engines C D Holmes 40 rhp 3 cyl 10.0 Knots
20/11/1920 Sunk after collision with S.T. Minoru Grimsby 25 miles off Spurn Point
Cockatoo GY 210
Cockatoo built 12/1866 as a dandy trawl
Originally Registered as GY 210
04/1871 Registered as GY 26 owned by J.D. Hawke
02/1871 went to W. Ashford
09/1889 went to F. Rushworth and W. Brown
11/1889 sold to G.E.J. Moody
01/1891 sold to Norwegians
Her details are
- Official Number 56967
- GT 58.43
- Dimensions 67.4 x 18.4 x 10.1
- Crewed by 3 Men and 2 Boys
Valentia GY 568
Valentia Built 1898 Irvine Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd Irvine For Hagerup Doughty & Co Ltd Grimsby
04/1906 Registered to Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co Grimsby
1917 Requisitioned into the Fishery Reserve
1919 Returned to owners
1945 Sold to the Standard Steam Fishing Co Grimsby as GY 26
1946 Bought by the Valentia Fishing Co Grimsby

Her Details are
- Official Number 109518
- Yard Number 3
- GT 164 NT 51
- Dimensions 104.2 x 21 x 10.7
- Quarter deck 17 Foc’sle 18
Scrapped in 1957