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Tag: gy-139
Cardiff GY 139
Cardiff Built 02/11/1896 Mackie & Thomson Govan for Hagerup Doughty & Co Grimsby
04/1906 Registered to Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co

Her Details are
- Official Number 106680
- Yard Number 123
- GT 163 NT 63
- Dimensions 104.2 x 20.5 x 10.7
- Quarter deck 17 Foc’sle 19
09/06/1915 Sunk by U Boat 90 miles N E by E of Spurn Point
Bay Flower GY 19
Bayflower Built 11/05/1933 Cochrane & Sons Selby for Yorkshire Steam Fishing Co Ltd Hull
02/1939 Sold to the Standard Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
05/1939 Renamed Saon
01/1940 Requisitioned by the Admiralty
01/1946 Bought by the Hull Ice Co Ltd Hull and registered as GY 139
11/1946 Sold the Standard Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
Her Details are
- Official Number 163140
- Yard Number 1111
- GT 386 NT 163
- Quarter deck 83 Foc’sle 24
- Dimensions 150.5 x 13.6 x 11.5
Scrapped 08/1958
Apollo GY 605
Apollo Built 05/1898 by Mackie & Thomson Govan for Orient Steam Fishing Co Grimsby
03/1904 Moved to Norway
1914 New boiler fitted
08/1914 Back to Orient Steam Fishing Co
Renamed Zonia and given new number GY 227
1914 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
1919 Returned
01/1920 Moved to Direct Fish Supplies London
07/1920 Moved to Isle of Man
10/1922 Returned to new owners T. Baskcomb and registered as GY 139
10/1935 Bought by new owners F. Parkes
11/1935 Bought by Consolidated Fisheries Ltd and transferred to Lowestoft in the same month Registered as LT 118
31/10/1941 Bought from Consolidated Fisheries Ltd Grimsby for £3,850
03/08/1945 Sold to Samuel Stuart London
Her Details are
- Official Number 109525
- Yard Number 192
- Admiralty number FY 707
- Armament 1-6 pdr AA
- GT 150 NT 58
- Dimensions 100.6 x 20.5 x 11.47
- Quarter Deck 18 Foc’sle 19
Scrapped 1951
Zonia GY 227
Zonia built 29/03/1898 Mackie & Thomson owned by Orient Steam Fishing
Originally named Apollo GY 605
03/1904 went to Norway
08/1914 sold to Orient Steam Fishing and Renamed Zonia GY 227
1914 Requisitioned as a Mine Layer then as a Mine sweeper
1919 Returned to owners
01/1920 sold to Direct Fish Supplies London
07/1920 went to Isle of Man
10/1922 sold to T Baskcomb and registered as GY 139
10/1935 sold to F Parkes
11/1935 sold to Consolidated Fisheries and went to Lowestoft LT 118
1941 went to J Marr & Son Hull
1945 sold to Samuel Stewart & Co London

Her details are
- Official Number 109525
- Yard Number 192
- Admiralty Number 707
- GT 150 NT 58
- Armament 1-6pdr AA
- Dimensions 100.6 x 20.5 x 10.7
- Quarter Deck 18′ Foc’sle 19′
- Engines by Ross & Duncan Glasgow 41 RHP
Scrapped 1951