COLLINGWOOD Built 11/07/1902 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for William Grant & Harold C. Baker Grimsby
1917 Requisitioned by the Admiralty as a fishing trawler Fishery Reserve
1919 Returned to owners
01/1920 Sold to the Sylvia Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
30/08/1922 Bought by the Dobson Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
01/02/1931 To C. Dobson Grimsby
1940 Requisitioned as a boom gate vessel renamed Fieldgate
1945 Returned to owners
26/03/1945 Sold to the Wembley Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
1949 Sold for scrap to Pounds Portsmouth

Her Details are
- Official Number 113229
- Yard Number 324
- GT 172 NT 55
- Quarter Deck 56 Foc’sle 19
- Dimensions 108.7 x 21 x 11.2
- Engines Charles D. Holmes 55 NHP 9½ knots
Registration closed on the 11/06/1949 on advice that the vessel had been broken up