Bangkok built 04/11/1897 by Cochranes and Cooper Beverley for East Coast Steam Trawling Co Hull Registered H379
18/05/1900 West Riding Steam Fishing Co Grimsby
22/05/1900 Hull Registry Closed
23/05/1900 Registered as GY 1175
12/1901 Sold to Goteborgs Angefiske Aktieb Gothenburg Sweden
03/12/1901 GY Registry Closed
1914 Renamed Helga
1926 Sold to Tralaktiebal Gotthenburg
1929 Sold to Netherlands IJM 96
1931 Sold to N V Visscherij Maats Ijmond Ijmuiden
1934 Sold to Kramer Ijmuiden Renamed Vios IV IMJ96
11/11/1941 Bombed and sunk in the North Sea by Enemy Aircraft

Her details are
- Official Number 106779
- Yard Number 210
- GT 188 NT 66
- Quarter Deck 30
- Dimensions 112.6 x 21.0 x 11.6
- Engines by Bailey & Leetham 50 HP 3 cyl. 10 knots
11/11/1941 Bombed and sunk in the North Sea by Enemy aircraft