Vambery built 1917 Cochrane & Sons Selby for Atlas Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
07/1917 Requisitioned as a mine sweeper then escort vessel
1920 Returned
07/1935 Sold to Shire Trawlers Ltd Grimsby
08/1936 Sold to Earl Steam Fishing Grimsby
04/1937 Renamed Saronta
06/1940 Requisitioned as an auxiliary patrol vessel
01/1941 Converted to a minesweeper
12/1940 Sold to Sir Alec Black Bart Grimsby
22/04/1942 Bought by the Active Fishing Co Fleetwood
12/1945 Returned to owners
12/1946 Bought by Lord Line Hull H 390

Her Details are
- Official Number 139956
- Yard Number 677
- Admiralty Number FY 1280 FY 1849
- Armament 1-6pdr 1-7.5in Bomb Thrower
- GT 316 NT 127
- Dimensions 135.5 x 23.5 x 12.3
- Quarter deck 74 Foc’sle 21
- Engines 84 HP
Scrapped in 1952