03/1848 until 12/1867
Tag: gy-1
Rodrigo GY 1208
Rodrigo Built 25/10/1900 Cochranes of Selby for George F Sleight of Grimsby
11/1938 Sold to owners in Lowestoft
1944 Bought C. Dobson Grimsby renamed Framlingham registered GY1
1946 Sold to Elkington Estates
1947 Bought by owners in Milford Haven

Her Details are
- Official Number 113214
- Yard Number 290
- GT 169 NT 60
- Dimensions 101 x 21 x 11
- Quarter deck 45 Foc’sle 18
Scrapped in 1952
Northern Jewel GY 1
Northern Jewel built 01/06/1954 by Cochranes of Selby for Northern Trawlers Ltd London
01/07/1969 Became part of the B.U.T livery
29/01/1975 Last Landing then Laid up for disposal
03/03/1976 Sold to H Kitson Vickers & Sons Sheffield for Breaking
14/05/1976 Resold to London Demolition Co Ltd and allocated to Medway Secondary Metals Rainham Kent

The Northern jewel was originally Copanes ordered by Rinovia Steam Fishing Co but was purchased by Northerns
Her Skipper on the Maiden Voyage was W Wood staying with her for the following 5 years
During one incident she was caught fishing inside the Icelandic 6 mile limit whilst being skippered by M Smith, She was spotted by the Icelandic gunboat ODINN and they decided to make a run for it, but were soon caught.
The vessel was taken to Sessdisfjoerdur and fined £6000.00 along with the confiscation of the fishing gear.
On their return to port the skipper was sacked.
B.U.T who were now running the Northern fleet, laid her up along with nine other ships due to the decline in the industry.

Her details are
- Official Number 184920
- Yard Number 1366
- Her call sign GRNN
- GT 799 NT 313
- Dimensions 182.5′ x 32′ x 17′
- Foc’sle of 33′
- Engines by Amos & Smith 3 cyl 16.5, 28.5, 47 x 30 12 Knots
- Funnel Colours Grey with black top separated by white band.
She was eventually Scrapped 19/02/1976
Framlingham GY 1
Details to follow

Emu GY 1
Emu built 11/1895 by Cochrane & Cooper of Beverly for T. Baskcomb Grimsby
11/1895 owned by T Bascomb & HL Taylor
1904 Sold to H L Taylor
29/05/1917 Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve
1919 Released
06/1920 owned by Taylor Steam Fishing Co
04/1930 Sold to W Wilcox Milford Haven M 83
15/01/1937 Laid up at Milford

Her Details are
- Official Number 105534
- Yard Number 138
- GT 154 NT 63
- Dimensions 102.7 x 20.5 x 11
- Quarter Deck 17′ Foc’sle 19′
- Engines C D Holmes 35 rhp 3 cyl 9.5 Knots
Scrapped 15/04/1937
Aello GY 1
Aello Built 02/1869 and registered as GY 269 as a Ketch trawl
03/1869 Re registered as GY 1 owned by H Morrie
10/1884 Sold to T Grant
08/1889 Sold to A King & G Moody
Her Details are
- Official number 62728
- GT 56
- Dimensions 65 x 18 x 9.5
- Crew was 3 men and 2 boys
Broken up 11/1889