Ross Kittiwake built 01/06/1961 Cochrane & Son Selby for Hudson’s of Hull
10/1962 sold to G F Sleight
10/1967 sold to Ross Trawlers
11/1969 sold to British United Trawlers
1970 Transferred to Goweroak Ltd
1979 Converted for use as an oil rig support vessel
08/1980 was reported as no longer fishing
1982 To George Craig & Sons Aberdeen
Bought by Colne Shipping Co Ltd in the same year after a period of chartering for the company
06/1982 Arrived at Lowestoft
1991 Sold for scrap to Spearings

- Official Number 303284
- Yard Number 1467
- Call Sign GHSS
- 288 GT 92 NT
- Dimensions 107.5 x 24.5 x 12.5
- Foc’sle 20′
- Engines 5 cylinder 857 hp Ruston
05/09/1991 Left Lowestoft for the breakers yard