Cape Barracouta Built 26/06/1930 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for Christensen & Co Ltd Hull as Leonidas H 267
1937 The vessel was lengthened to 151.5 feet 390 gross tons at Smiths Dock Co Ltd South Bank Middlesbrough
17/05/1938 Sold to the Hudson Steam Fishing Co Ltd Hull who renamed her as Cape Barracouta
26/08/1939 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
30/10/1939 Returned to owners
03/06/1940 Requisitioned as an auxiliary patrol vessel
24/01/1945 Sold to Hudson Bros Trawlers Ltd Hull
17/08/1946 Returned to owners
28/04/1947 Bought by Trawlers Grimsby Ltd and registered as GY 479
1948 Sold to Heward Trawlers Fleetwood renamed New Prince FD 471

Her Details are
- Official Number 162186
- Yard Number 548
- Admiralty Number FY 4 122
- Armament 1-12pdr
- GT 369 NT 159
- Dimensions 140.3 x 24.6 x 13.5
- Quarter deck 77 Foc’sle 33
- Engines Amos & Smith 99 NHP 10.7 knots
Left Fleetwood on 18/06/1959 for Ghent to be broken up