Comitatus Built 24/09/1918 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for The Admiralty as Castle Class trawler John Gulipster Completed as a fishing trawler
1919 Sold to J. Johnson Scarborough renamed Betty Johnson registered as SH 50
1922 Bought by Prince Fletcher Trawlers Fleetwood registered FD 168
1928 Sold to Melling Trawlers Ltd Fleetwood renamed Annie Melling
18/01/1932 Bought by Farrows Steam Fishing Co Ltd Hull renamed Andrew Marvel registered H 399
23/03/1933 Sold to Hudson Bros Trawlers Ltd Hull
19/12/1935 Bought by Thomas L. Devlin Leith renamed Comitatus registered as GN 39
28/08/1939 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
09/10/1945 Returned to commercial fishing
09/10/1945 Sold to the Dinas Steam Trawling Co Ltd Fleetwood
1952 Bought by Queen Steam Fishing Co Grimsby registered GY 228

Her Details are
- Official Number 143256
- Yard Number 403
- Admiralty Number FY 633
- GT 290 NT 127
- Dimensions 125.5 x 23.5 x 12.7
- Quarter deck 72 Foc’sle 21
- Engines Amos & Smith 480 IHP 10½ knots
Sold to Van Heyghen Freres Belgium for scrap 19/06/1956 and broken up at Ghent