Built By Goole Ship Builders 1907 originally as Siluria for Pembrokeshire Steam Trawling M 202 Milford Haven
11/1915 went to Sleight Steam Fishing Co and Registered as GY 801
12/1916 went to G F Sleights
1917 Requisitioned by the Admiralty as Fishery Trawler
1919 Returned to owners
11/1933 went to G F Sleight & R Humphreys
04/1944 Requisitioned by the Admiralty and renamed CORYPHENE, converted to an Esso.
01/1945 Returned to owners and reverted to SILURIA
05/1949 went to G F Sleight & Sons
04/1952 Renamed Revigo
12/1955 Scrapped

Her Details are
- Official Number 121614
- Yard Number 94
- GT 207 NT 81
- Dimensions 116.8 x 21.6 x 12.1