
Cotswold GY 77

Cotswold Built 1917 Cochrane & Sons Selby for The Admiralty Castle Class trawler George Andrew
Sold to owners in Hull where she became Lord Astor
07/1945 Bought by Grimsby Motor Trawlers Ltd Grimsby renamed Cotswold registered as GY 77 

Photo Supplied by Karl Williams

Her Details are

  • Official Number 143839
  • Yard Number 816 
  • GT 312 NT 130 
  • Dimensions 138.5 x 23.7 x 12.8 
  • Quarter deck 78 Foc’sle 19 

To Belgium in 08/1954 for scrapping


Consort GY 498

Consort built 1909 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for Queen Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
04/1915 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
1919 Returned to commercial fishing 
03/02/1953 Sold to James Mowatt Aberdeen

Her details are 

  • Official Number 127850
  • Yard Number 185
  • Admiralty Number 1612
  • Armament 1-12pdr
  • GT 181 NT 80
  • Dimensions 110 x 21 x 11.2
  • Quarter Deck 56 Foc’sle 18
  • Engines Great Central Engineering 60NHP 10 knots 

Sold to Belgium ship breakers in 08/1954 and scrapped at Antwerp