Barle built 14/03/1914 by Cochrane & Sons Selby for GW & HB Jeffs Grimsby
09/1915 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
1919 Returned to owners.
09/1921 Sold to the St. Malo Steam Fishing Co Ltd.
03/1930 Bought by W. Garrett.
08/1931 Sold to T. W. Baskcomb, Grimsby.
10/1935 Bought by F. Parkes Blackpool
12/1935 Bought by Boston Deep Sea Fisheries.
01/04/1936 Homeward bound from West Scotland grounds in afog bank stranded 500 yards east of mull of Oa Islay, They launched a boat and stood off, when fog lifted they landed on the beach. Scaled the cliffs.
Vessel was subsequently declared a total loss.

Her Details are
- Official Number 136006
- Yard Number 596
- Call Sign JFQM
- Admiralty number FY 1862
- Armament 1-6pdr AA 1-3.5 Bomb Thrower
- GT 283 NT 120
- Quarter Deck 64 Foc’sle 21
- Dimensions 135.2 x 23.5 x 12.2
- Engines Amos & Smith 87 HP 10.5 Knots
01/04/1936 Stranded Mull of Oa West Coast of Scotland