JERIA built 1916 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for Great Grimsby and East Coast Steam Fishing Co. Ltd Grimsby
12/1916 Requisitioned as a mine sweeper
12/1917 Returned to commercial fishing
Ran aground in thick fog on St Johns Head Hoy
07/09/1929 whilst homeward bound to Grimsby The crew fired flares which were seen by the Aberdeen fishing liner Curlew A 906
All of the Jeria’s crew launched the trawler’s boat and were taken in tow by the Curlew into Stromness and were landed safely

Her Details are
- Official Number 139921
- Yard Number 348
- Admiralty Number FY 3319
- Armament 1-6pdr
- GT 344 NT 138
- Quarter deck 74
- Dimensions 135.4 x 23.5 x 12.7
- Engines Amos & Smith 89 NHP 10 knots
Ran aground in thick fog on St Johns Head Hoy Orkney 07/09/1929 whilst homeward bound to Grimsby