DEE Built 1893 Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd Hull for H. Morris Grimsby
Iron side trawler, coal fired with a steam screw.
crew of 9 men
02/1897 Bought by the ‘D’ Line Steam Fishing Co Grimsby
02/1914 Bought by owners in Milford Haven
The Haverfordwest and Milford Haven Telegraph on Wednesday 13th May 1914 Reports COOK CHARGED WITH THEFT A “BLACK LISTER” FINED The Milford Haven Sessions were held on Wednesday before Col. W. R. Roberts (chairman), Messrs G. H. D. Birt, J. B. Gaskell, and D. G. Jones COOK AND HIS PERQUISITES Robert Barnes a cook on a steam trawler was charged with stealing a tin of syrup, 2lb jar of jam, a tin of metal polish, and three tins of dripping, from the steam trawler Dee of the total value of 4s, the property of Mr Charles E. Curzon, trawler owner. Mr Curzon was present in court Henry George, a watchman in the employ of Mr Curzon, said on Wednesday, the 29th he was watching the trawler Dee. The defendant was a cook on board, and be saw him leave about half-past six. He saw he had a frail, and he said he had only clothes in it. On examining it witness found the articles enumerated, which were the property of Mr Curzon. Witness took possession of the things. Prisoner said the dripping belonged to him. Defendant said he was under the impression the dripping was his, some firms allowed it to the cooks, and others did not Charles Munnings, ship’s husband, Hakin Point, said he had never at any time given the defendant permission to take anything off the boat. The next morning after this occurred, he discharged defendant. By Col. Roberts, He did not know of any practice for the cook to have the dripping. The defendant had been three trips. Defendant pleaded not guilty, and gave evidence on oath. He had, he said, been in Milford 16 years, and had never robbed anyone of a penny. It was his habit to go aboard on the day before leaving to overhaul his stores, and if he found anything wrong he took them back and changed them. He was doing this when the watchman stopped him. Turning to the ship’s husband, the defendant asked, Isn’t that right, Mr Munnings? and when that gentleman shook his head, defendant retorted “You’re a liar. Didn’t I say give us a pass, and you said you hadn’t any paper; now act fair. When I went down to the ship, Mr Munnings said ‘Don’t go aboard that ship,’ and I said ‘Why not?’ and he said, ‘You like getting three I months,’ and I told him he was talking out of the back of his neck. Defendant was fined 20s and costs.
08/1915 Sold to George Smith, Railway St. Great Grimsby Manager William Ellis, Fish Docks, Grimsby
1917 Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve commissioned and flew white ensign but continued commercial fishing under naval control
10/1922 Bought by William Would Grimsby
28/11/1923 Sank in Humber after collision with trawler REPORTO GY 380 No lives lost. As Reported in the Times Friday 30th Nov 1923

Her Details are
- Official Number 99700
- Yard Number 373
- GT 151 NT 61
- Dimensions 98 x 20.7 x 11.1
- Quarter deck 18 Foc’sle 19
- Engines T 3-Cyl 45 rhp by builders
Broken up 12/03/1924