Wyndham built 1916 Cochrane & Sons Selby for Aldersyde Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
08/1916 Requisitioned as a mine sweeper
1919 Returned
08/1916 In Admiralty service as a minesweeper
1919 Returned
07/1923 Acquired by Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co Grimsby
09/1927 Registered to Consolidated Fisheries Ltd

Her Details are
- Official Number 138975
- Yard Number 719
- Call Sign JNBK Later this would be changed to GTQF
- Admiralty Number FY 3303
- Armament 1-12pdr 1-5in Bomb Thrower
- GT 303 NT 157
- Dimensions 135.3 x 23.5 x 12.4
- Quarter deck 74 Foc’sle 21
- Engines 3 cyl 13″ 23″ and 37″ x 24″ stroke by Gt. Ctn Coop Engineering & Co. Ltd 10 knots
Scrapped 05/1937