WILLONYX built 1915 Cochranes of Selby for Orient Steam Fishing Company
08/1915 Requisitioned as a mine sweeper based as part of the Southern Aux Patrol Group Portsmouth
10/09/1917 Engaged enemy Submarines
22/03/1918 Engaged enemy Submarines
01/01/1918 Minesweeping Duties Until 30/06/1918
06/03/1918 The SS Braatt II was sunk during the night. HMT Willonyx at 0640hrs on 07-03-1918 picked up 21 survivors from this ship.
12/03/1919 Returned to owners
01/1920 Sold to Direct Fish Supplies London
23/03/1922 Company went into Liquidation
05/1922 Sold to Fransico Freixas Barcelona Spain
05/1922 Registered as Francisco
1931 Sold to Freixas Hermanos S.A. Barcelona
1946 Sold to Jose Trullenque Valencia
1957 Sold to Francisco Rey Mendez Corunna
1960 sold to Spanish Ship breakers

Surname | Forenames | Age at Death | Date of Death | Rank | Boat |
Riches | John Edward | Unknown | 16/01/1916 | Engineman | HMT Willonyx |
Ships Log : HMT Willonyx, Friday 27th July 1917 Position at 0800: 50-40N 1-00W
Position at 2000: 50-29N 0-40W
0200. Patrolling Owers area steering W, firing was heard astern of me (8 shot’s reported by lookout), altered course E x S and proceeded in direction of firing. “Sweeper” then hailed me & asked if I had heard firing, I reported having seen green rockets fired. Shortly after 3am submarine was observed on surface on my port beam, (probably laying mines. The man at midship 6pdr observed her abeam, also 2nd hand and self. The man(lookout) on top of wheelhouse did not see her until he came down to gun platform, while hands on deck at level of water saw her distinctly. “Willonyx” steaming 8 knots at time, observed submarine to full astern one point, I altered course 3 points to port (ENE) and opened fire with 2guns(1 round 5” howitzer, 2 rounds 6pdr). P.O.1 (RN) in charge of 6pdr and specially trained hand in charge of howitzer. Sights were on submarine when guns fired.Range 1000 yards. The flash from the howitzer blinded the eye. Skipper, 2nd and self did not see fall of shot, but submarine had disappeared from the surface of the water. Bearing of Owers NNW 6’ and then altered course in northerly direction.
0320. altered course E x S, full speed for position re abandoned ship reported.
0345. observed “Bellajio” & “Monarch III” and trawlers in vicinity.
0400. explosion heard South of me. Observed steamer alter course & blowing whistle. Set on utmost speed, course South. On approaching observed steamer sinking & lifeboats leaving.
0420 Picked up the crew assisted by drifters “Lustre Gem” & “Green Pasture”. Ship P&O SS Candia, crew 99 hands, 1 lost in explosion. Time of striking to time of sinking 30 mins. Went down stern first. Pos Owers Lt Vessel NW½W 7½-8’.
0610. Owers Lt Ship abm. Alter course NW½N
0725. Nab Light Vessel abm. Altered course WNW
0800. Clear, cloudy & fine
0825. arrived St Helens. Received orders to proceed up harbour
0910. Passed E gateway
0945. Alongside Pitch House Jetty. Crew of SS Candia landed. Reported to FC
1100. Left harbour Noon. Cloudy & fine
1210. Nab abm. Alter course SE½E
1315. Owers Lt-V abm. Alter course South
1400. Fine but hazy
1440. Owers Lt-V NxW. Alter course WxN
1515. Alter course South
1535. Alter course ExS
1615. Alter course NxW
1655. Alter course SxE
1805. Alter course North
1945. Owers NxE. Alter course WxS
2000. Calm with slight haze
2025. Owers NE. Alter course E
2150. Alter course W. Owers NWxN
2300. Owers Lt-V NE. Alter course ExS
2315. Crew to Action Stations
This was a transcription of HMT Willonyx’s Log concerning the sinking of SS Candia. supplied by Gareth Morris
Her Details are
- Official Number 137031
- Yard Number 640
- Admiralty Number 1747
- GT 327 NT 159
- Armament 1-6pdr 1-7.5″ A/S Howitzer
- Dimensions 140.4 x 24.2 x 12.8
- Quarter Deck 78′ Foc’sle 21′
- Engines C D Holmes 90rhp 10.5 Knots
Broken Up 1960