Vidonia built 1907 Cochrane & Sons Selby for Arctic Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
12/1914 Requisitioned as a mine sweeper
1919 Returned
07/1920 Bought by the Lindsey Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
06/1940 Requisitioned as an auxiliary patrol vessel
04/1943 Converted to an Esso fuel carrier
01/1943 Bought by owners in Hull

Her Details are
- Official Number 125059
- Yard Number 394
- Admiralty Number FY 10 4.33 Y7.12
- Armament 1-12pdr 1-6pdr
- GT 276 NT 124
- Dimensions 128 x 22 x 13
- Foc’sle 23
- Engines 70 HP
Sank following a collision in the English Channel 06/10/1944