Varanga Built 1929 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley For Atlas Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
29/08/1939 Requisitioned as a minesweeper Served at Iceland throughout the war
11/1945 Returned to owners
16/09/1945 Sold to Hudson Bros Hull
1945 Bought by Iago Steam Trawlers Ltd London renamed Red Crusader registered as LO 462

Her Details are
- Official Number 160968
- Yard Number 517
- Admiralty Number FY 1625
- GT 661 NT 237
- Dimensions 178 x 31 x 16
- Quarter deck 96 Foc’sle 30
- Engines Charles D. Holmes 96 NHP 10.8 Knots
Scrapped 16/04/1955