Tasmania Built 1893 Cochrane & Cooper Beverley for International Steam Trawling Co. Ltd Grimsby
07/11/1893 Registered as GY 554
07/1898 Sold To North Eastern Steam Fishing Co Ltd
06/1912 Sold to the Consolidated Whaling & Deep Sea Fishing Co. South Africa Ltd London
11/10/1912 Stranded on Rocks near Danger Point Dyers Island Cape Colony whilst on passage to Port Natal South Africa
crew Rescued

Her Details are
- Official Number 99716
- Yard Number 95
- GT 150 NT 66
- Dimensions 101 x 20.5 x 11
- Quarter deck 17 Foc’sle 18
- Engines C D Holmes 45 nhp 3 Cyl 10.0 Knots
10/1912 Stranded between Danger Point and Dyer Island Cape Colony South Africa