Sicyon Built 1929 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley Built as Lady Margot H 188 for Jutland Amalgamated Trawlers Ltd Hull
23/03/1937 Sold to Standard Steam Fishing Co Grimsby GY 376
06/1937 Renamed Sicyon
09/1939 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
13/07/1946 Returned to owners
21/08/1953 Sold to J. Marr & Son Ltd Hull from the Standard Steam Fishing Co Grimsby
The vessel was sold for scrap to J. W. Draper & Sons Ltd Grimsby

Her Details are
- Official Number 160875
- Yard Number 535
- Admiralty Number FY 669
- GT 344 NT 155
- Dimensions 140.2 x 24.6 x 13.2
- Quarter deck 77 Foc’sle 21
- Engines Charles. D. Holmes 96 NHP 11 knots
01/04/1954 Scrapped on the slipway at Grimsby