Ross Kenilworth Built 03/1955 Cochranes of Selby for Derwent Trawlers
Originally named Joseph Knibb GY 2
01/1959 Sold to Ross Trawlers
05/11/1960 Renamed Kenilworth GY 2
05/01/1962 Became Ross Kenilworth GY 2
04/05/1962 On an Icelandic Trip 20 miles off south west Coast of Iceland she hit Gale force winds when her pumps failed and colud not cope with the water inflow, Ross Rodney and the Gun Boat Thor answered a call for assistance. 11 crew were taken off by the Rodney whilst the Thor used a pump to keep her afloat whilst under tow. Unfortunately she foundered 24 miles South of Malarrif on the west cost.
The remaining 5 crew were taken off onto the Thor and the 11 transferred off the Rodney to the Thor, All were landed at Reykjavik

Her Details are
- Official Number 184926
- Yard Number 1400
- GY 442 NT 154
- Dimensions 139.6 x 28.3 x 14.1
- Quarter Deck 78 Foc’sle 23
- Engines Amos & Smith 800ihp 3 Cyl 12.0 Knots
05/1962 Reported as Lost, Sunk off Iceland