
Ullapool GY 1123

Ullapool Built 1899 Earle’s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd Hull for the Union Steam Fishing & Ice Co Ltd Grimsby
03/1913 Sold to the Atlas Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby 
04/1913 Renamed Vocates 
12/1913 Sold to the Grimsby North Sea Steam trawling Co Ltd Grimsby
01/1914 Renamed Aphelion 

Her Details are

  • Official Number 110922
  • GT 197 NT 73 
  • Dimensions 110.5 x 21.2 x 11.2 
  • Quarter deck 46 Foc’sle 18  

Sunk by U-boat gunfire 20 miles off Flamborough 24/09/1916