Resercho Built 10/1917 By Cook Welton & Gemmell for G F Sleight
01/1918 Requisitioned as a mine sweeper
1919 Returned
11/1933 went to G F Sleight & R Humphreys
28/12/1939 reported lost Mined by U 15 Commanded by Heinz Buchholtz Mine laid on 05/09/1939 and sank about 6 miles SE x E from Flamborough Head

Her Details are
- Official Number 139961
- Admiralty Number 3081
- GT 258 NT 113
- Armament 1-12pdr
- Dimensions 120.5 x 22 x 12.2
- Quarter Deck 67′
28/12/1939 Sunk by mine 5 miles off Flamborough