Rehearo was a Non Standard Castle Class Boat originally ordered by G F Sleights but purchased by the Admiralty whilst on the stocks. Named John Burlingham
1919 Registered by the Admiralty as a trawler
1920 she went to G F Sleight Renamed the Rehearo GY 829
11/1933 Sold to G F Sleight & R L Humphreys
03/09/1940 Requisitioned as a Minesweeper
01/1946 Returned to owners
05/1949 Sold to G F Sleight & Sons
15/10/1956 Sold to Derwent Trawlers Grimsby
24/01/1959 Sold to Ross Trawlers Grimsby
1961 Sold for Scrap tp H P Heavelman N V KrimpenĀ

Her Details are
- Official Number 143801
- Yard Number 363
- Admiralty Number 3600, FY 1794
- Armament 1 12pdr 1 7.5 Howitzer Bomb Thrower
- 266 GT 105 NT
- Dimensions 125.2 x 22 x 12.2
- Quarter Deck 67′
- Engines by Amos & Smith 80 NHP 10.5 knots
27/04/1961 Arrived at A/D Ijssel Holland for breaking