Olivean Built 1954 Cochrane & Sons Selby for Sir Thomas Robinson & Son Grimsby Ltd
11/1976 Bought by the Dagon Fishing Co Ltd Luton
27/11/1976 Arrived at Lowestoft
1977 Registered as LT 392 Converted for oil rig work
03/1977 Renamed Mustique
1981 Mustique changed identity with GY 693 Ross Heron
10/1981 The vessel was sold for scrap as the Ross Heron

Her Details are
- Official Number 184923
- Yard Number 1397
- GT 269 NT 88
- Dimensions 115 x 25 x 12
- Engines 4 cylinder 640hp British Polar
- Call Sign GSPD
Left Lowestoft for the breakers yard 21/01/1982