Northern Spray built 08/1936 in Germany by Deutsche schumschb at Bremen for Mac Line Ltd of Fleetwood LO 140
She was transferred to Grimsby and sailed with the Northern Fleet
1939 Requisitioned as an Armed Boarding Vessel and an Anti Submarine Trawler
1945 Returned
02/1946 she went to the Hull Ice Co 11/1946 Transferred to Northerns at Grimsby registered as GY 190
02/1950 She was converted to Oil from Coal
23/10/1963 She was Wrecked at 66.29 N x 06 W

Here are the Details
- Official Number 165339
- GT 620 NT 238
- Dimensions 188.1 x 28.1 x 15.5
- Foc’sle 31′
- Funnel Colours Grey with black top separated by white band

She was declared a Total Constructive Loss 11/08/1964