The Northern Eagle was built in 1956 in Germany at Bremerhaven by Rickmers Werft.

An extract from Steve Pulfrey and Paul Kings “The Final Years of the Side Trawlers”
“The Northern Eagle is one of the six oil burners built by Rickmers Werft. The outline of the vessel can only be described as Majestic with the triple deck accommadation and high flared bow. Although somewhat smaller than the Arsenal, Everton and Ross Renown its presence seemed to dominate the surroundings.”

Her details
- Official Number 184937
- Yard Number 282
- Call Sign MWLZ
- GT 701 NT 239
- Dimensions 189.5′ x 31.1′ x 17.1′
- Engines 1400hp
- Funnel colours Grey with black top separated by white bandÂ
Scrapped 1976