Newhaven Built 29/01/1897 Mackie Thompson for Hagerup & Doughty
04/1906 owner Consoladated Steam Fishing & Ice Co Ltd
1917 Requisitioned into the Fishery Reserve Renamed Newhaven II
1919 Returned to owners
01/1925 went to Lowerstoft Owners
08/01/1925 Registry Transferred
11/01/1940 Sailed from Lowestoft bound for the North Sea fishing grounds

Her Details are
- Official Number 108449
- Yard Number 134
- Call Sign MGPX
- GT 161 NT 55
- Dimensions 104.2’ x 20.5’ x 10.7’
- Quarter Deck 17′ Foc’sle 19′
- Engines by Muir & Houston Glasgow, triple cylinder – 10”,16”&27” x 20” 45 RHP
Lost on Monday 15/01/1940 Mined 18 miles SSE of Lowestoft