Lock Park Built 06/1917 Cook Welton & Gemmell as a Non Standard Castle class Originally Named John Brooker For the Admiralty
Originally Ordered by Kingston Steam Trawling Co Hull but purchased by the Admiralty on the Stocks
1919 Registered by the Admiralty
1921 Sold to Kingston Steam Trawling Hull Renamed Obsidian H 333
12/11/1934 Sold to Ocean Steam Fishing Co Hull
24/04/1935 Sold to Lander & Paterson Aberdeen A 301
12/10/1939 Sold to Loch Fishing Co Hull Renamed Loch Park H 219
1940 Requisitioned as a Mine sweeper
1945 Returned to owners
16/03/1946 Sold to Anglo Steam Fishing Co Grimsby GY 259
1952 Went to United steam Fishing Co Grimsby
24/01/1957 Went to Derwent Trawlers Grimsby
06/01/1958 Sold to A Bannister Trawlers
15/07/1962 Sold for scrap

Her Details are
- Official Number 146195
- Yard Number 340M
- Admiralty Number FY 3605, FY 1835
- Armament 1 – 12pdr
- GT 249 NT 109
- Dimensions 125.4 x 22.5 x 12.2
- Quarter Deck 66
- Engines Amos & Smith 480ihp 10.5 Knots
Scrapped 15/07/1962 Paul Bergsoe & Son Jernhavnen Denmark