Le Tiger Built 27/02/1937 Cochrane & Sons Selby For Earl Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
1939 Bought by the Admiralty as an anti-submarine vessel
03/1942 lent to the United States Navy with her crew to operate off the US East coast under USN control
03/07/1942 Sank U215 on the while taking survivors from a torpedoed vessel to a nearby harbour
07/1946 Acquired by the Hull Ice Co.
11/1946 Sold to the Loyal Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
07/1947 Renamed Regal
09/1948 Bought by owners in Hull renamed Othello

Her Details are
- Official Number 164424
- Yard Number 1180
- Admiralty Number FY 243
- Armament 1-4pdr
- GT 516 NT 285
- Dimensions 173.2 x 28.6 x 14.7
- Quarter deck 89 Foc’sle 37
- Engines 156 HP 12 knots
Scrapped Ghent, Belgium 1963