Kirby Built 1918 Rennie Forrestt Shipbuilding Engineering & Dry Dock Co Ltd Wivenhoe Built as Strath Class Trawler Pat Caharty
08/10/1919 Temp Loan to USN
04/1922 Sold to Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co renamed Kirby
09/1927 Registered to Consolidated Fisheries Ltd
10/10/1934 Sold to owners in Aberdeen Renamed Buchans II
07/1940 Requisitioned As an APV
08/1946 Returned to owners
1952 Aberdeen and the vessel registered at the port A 162

Her Details are
- Official Number 143868
- Yard Number 1317
- Admiralty Number 3860 FY 335
- Armament 1 12pdr
- GT 202 NT 88
- Dimensions 115.4 x 22.1 x 12.1
- Engines 3 cyl 12, 20, 34 in x 23 in 75 NHP by A G Mumford Ltd Colchester